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What is Osteopathy


In 1874, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still had a vision in America that led to the discovery of osteopathy. Today, osteopathic manual practitioners practice in many different nations across the globe. Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy approach to healing. Numerous body maladies and complaints can be addressed using osteopathy.  One of the key principles of osteopathy is that structure and function are related on all levels.  The body function improves when symmetry and movement capability increase in the structure.  Treatments are performed through gentle manual adjustments which may include many osteopathic techniques such as muscle energy, strain counterstrain, stretching, and post isometric relaxation and so on.
At Simcoe Osteopathy, meeting and putting you at ease is the first step. Then an in-depth patient history is gathered which is then followed by an osteopathic assessment.  Both an active and passive evaluation will be conducted through motion testing.  Special focus is directed to your posture and structure leading to a structural diagnosis. Osteopathic practitioners skillfully adjust dysfunction and support the body’s self healing mechanism during your session. Osteopathic manual practitioners assess and treat your postural body pattern to determine the cause of the problem.
To be clear, osteopathic manual practitioners are not doctors. Doctors of Osteopathy (DO)s are physicians that are trained in the USA only and are equivalent to medical doctors. We are trained outside of the USA and are not trained medical doctors.
What is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner?

Your Trusted Health Partner

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner provides personalized care without drugs. At Simcoe Osteopathy, we are healthcare professionals devoted and dedicated to your holistic well-being understanding the interconnected ness of the body systems.
Osteopathic manual practitioners address the body’s structural imbalances without resorting to painful aggressive techniques or adjustments. We are committed to our profession and use their mastery of hands-on treatment techniques together with their extensive knowledge to assist you in regaining your health. Our goal is to restore your health and keep it that way using lasting solutions rather than temporary ones.
We are aware that you may be unable to fully enjoy life as a result of your existing condition. Our role is likened to that of a dedicated ally supporting your quest for optimal health, focusing on the root cause of the problem not just chasing the pain.

Benefits of Osteopathy

Our approach aims to restore your body’s natural functions to ensure a transformative experience tailored to your specific needs, ranging from pain relief to enhanced mobility.
Osteopathy Can Help You

How Simcoe Osteopathy Can Help You

Simcoe Osteopathic manual therapy can effectively treat a wide range of common physical problems, such as:

  • Back pain
  • Sciatic nerve disfunction
  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Pregnancy or postpartum postural discomfort
  • Sports injuries

At Simcoe Osteopathy, the total well being of the muscular and skeletal system is a priority.  Understanding and treating underlying issues will provide long-lasting relief and resolution.

Our goal ultimately is to find the root cause of underlying dysfunction. Osteopathic practitioners do not treat diseases, but they do treat people who have “dis-ease” with a personalized approach and customized care.